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  • Contraindication
    Please be aware that you will not be able to float if you have dyed your hair or had a spray tan within 6 weeks. We run our tanks at a slightly higher salt density, which can strip the chemicals used in the dye process, even weeks later. Henna dye is particularly susceptible. If after 4 weeks you can towel dry your hair and no dye comes out, then you can float in a provided swimming cap, or use your own.
  • Hygiene
    Each tank has a dedicated pump unit that pumps all the water and salt from a reservoir holding tank, through a 1 micron filter, into the tank and a separate filter for the water leaving the tank at the end of the session. The pump unit has a UV in line bulb to further sterilise as it pumps and heats the solution and after each session H2O2 disinfectant is dosed. At the end of every float we clean the surfaces down and run a germicidal UV-C light to disinfect the room.
  • Spatial concern
    Our rooms are 4.5 meters high, giving a sense of expansive space. Both rooms go totally dark with no visible light in the room. While the tanks are designed to be closed, you can start with the lid as open or closed as you want, as our rooms are kept nice and warm and at a comfortable humidity. Infared panels provide additional surface heating for those that specifically want an open door float. Both rooms have internal lights and downlighting that are all controlled by the float program and/or by the user inside. For instructions on how to operate the lid, refer to our page with video guidance, linked below.
  • Preparing for floating
    To get the best out of your float, we suggest to not eat too heavily 4 hours before your session, avoid caffeine and other stimulants. Try to allow plenty of time to arrive, possibly plan your after float activity to be as calm as possible. Leaving to drive in rush hour isn't ideal! We suggest a decompression walk up the Tor, just outside our front door.
  • Floating and buoyancy - 'I don't float'
    You will! We have 600kg+ of food grade German minded Epsom salts in our tanks, with around 500+ liters of Glastonbury spring water, mixing up at 37oC, makes for a very silky and dense water. The specific gravity of the water is kept between 1.26-1.28 ensuring a very buoyant and held, suspended float.
  • Pregnancy
    Floating is very rewarding and beneficial especially later in the pregnancy. Along with all the usual floating benefits, its known to reduce swelling, reduce stress and promotes mum and baby bonding. Your baby will have a reduced weight in the womb as they will share your weightlessness. You may feel them move more and you might be able to feel their heart beat in the stillness. Because there isn't enough data out there, we suggest to not float in the first 12 weeks. It's a crucial time for the development of the baby and the mother, we don't know what effects reduced weight will have on the early development.
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